
Wednesday, December 11, 2019

The Great Race

 The great race.

When it was so far so good Emma said to herself that this will be ok and that
she will win this race for her father.Emma was still continuing the race
for her father. she still remembered that her father was a champion of the
great race and that he always came first place, but while driving home
2 weeks ago,he was in an accident, a car crash and was sent to the
hospital for his injures. He has been there for about 2 weeks and still hasn't
come home. Emma misses him dearly and so does her family.With some
courage she still continued to race. The finish line was in front of her and
her best friend, Sylvia. Emma couldn't let Sylvia win this race even if she is
her best friend.

She encourage Charles to go fast and Charles burst into speed. Emma was
beside Sylvia and her ostrich and they were both running with all there mite.
Both ostriches burst with tiredness but both never gave up.They both ran
and the finish line was right in front of them.Charles was huffing and puffing
but Charles didn't give up until he reached the finish line.After the rope
ripped apart, the crowd went WILD and cheered for the winner and the
winner was…
Emma and her ostrich Charles.
The crowd cheered and clapped for her, and her mother Clapped for her too
with happiness, her friend Sylvia also clapped with her with happiness.Emma
smiled and looked at the crowd looking for her mother and found her mother.
Emma waved at her mother with a bright smile.Her mother waved back proud
and happily for Emma.Emma knew her mother was very proud of her and she
also knew that her father would be proud of her, very,very proud…

The End….


Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Week 1 day 2 bonus summer learning journy

Hi my name is Arcadia and today we had Megan and we were doing the summer learning journey and today i am going to tell you my favourite food is...PANCAKES WITH ICE CREAM AND CHOCOLATE ON TOP!...sometimes with wipe cream on top.......
Image result for pancakes with ice cream and chocolate on

I love pancakes because there so yummy and so good for desert and there also good to make for you...pancakes are my favourite desert and food in the world i wouldn't know anyone that wouldn't like pancakes...i'm sure everyone loves pancakes.i would rather put chocolate on it and ice cream on it...if there is no ice cream or chocolate i put wipe cream on it and chocolate on it if i had some on it.

whats your favourite food.comment below that whats your favourite food for you to eat.....

Monday, December 11, 2017

My highlight 2017

 here is my work from my highlight...

here is my post of my highlight on the 2017 and this is my last post.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Summer learning journey-Australia

i picked this country because....
Image result for australia


i chose this country because it has lovely beaches, awesome kangaroos,nice shiny beaches,cool big boats and kinda cool Kano.

i really love this country because its really awesome and Australia is an island country  located deep in the Pacific Ocean (to the west of New Zealand). It is made up of 6 states.The size is 24.2 million people and the Canberra (Capital), Sydney, Brisbane, Perth, Melbourne, Adelaide.Varies somewhat but is generally quite tropical. The average temperature in the winter is approximately 15 degrees and There are 14 national holidays. Australia Day is celebrated on 26 January.There is one official language - English.There is one official language - English and Australian dollar [AUD].Australian rules football, cricket, netball, rugby union, rugby league.1. The colours - green and gold, 2. The kangaroo, 3. The opal (gem), 4. The Golden Wattle flower, 5. The emu.